Non-financial / sustainability reporting

Non-financial/sustainability reporting is not addressed only to companies that have the legal obligation to report on economic, social and environmental matters but also to companies interested to improve their sustainability strategy overall.

Sustainability reporting is an important tool for stakeholder communication as well as an efficient instrument for corporate transparency.

The performance of an organization in terms of human rights, corruption, and transparency reflects the quality of its management, its exposure to risks as well as its ability to seize business opportunities.

Sustainability reporting helps an organization manage business risks and identify opportunities, covering at the same time information that investors are interested in.

At CSRium, we can help your organization with the following reporting services:

  • Complete reporting services (GRI Standards based, core or comprehensive. Reporting services using other international frameworks such as OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, ISO 26000 or Global Compact Principles)
  • Preparation and disclosure of non-financial statements
  • Data collection
  • Materiality analysis
  • Stakeholder engagement analysis
  • Peer benchmarking and sector best practices